5 Days in Morocco: A Coastal Tour of Morocco

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Thinking of heading to Morocco? Not sure if you’re looking to join a tour or go out on your own? Read our honest review of G Adventures: Coastal Morocco. A tour that takes you out of the city and along the Moroccan Coastline.

G Adventures Tour – Coastal Morocco: Waves & Market Stalls

*Disclosure: We only recommend products we would use ourselves and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links, that at no additional cost to you, we may earn a small commission.

Why choose to do a tour in Morocco?

After meeting many other travellers and sharing stories of others trips we were inspired to add Morocco to our travel bucket list. A sale came on for G Adventures tour company and we decided to give a tour of Morocco a go.

We chose to do a tour instead of try to go on our own as Morocco had recently reopened to tourists after COVID. Once we started researching into the best ways to get around we realised we wouldn’t be able to see all we wanted to do on our own with the limited time that we had.

Morocco is a much larger country than most people realise and the differences in landscapes between the areas is vast. As much as we wanted to see the country dry desert we know that we are beach babies at heart and would prefer a trip that took us out to the coastline which is very hard to get to after flying into Marrakech.

If you want to check out the full details of the G Adventures tours we did – Coastal Morocco: Waves & Market Stalls

Things to note before joining a group tour:

  • Make sure that you check the start times/ finish times of our tour. This tour has a start time of 6pm however as we were not departing anywhere the first night you were able to arrive at anytime. It also advises not to book departing flights before 4pm , even though we arrived around lunch time it would have been far too stressful to leave any earlier than this.
  • Always check the tours sharing options. As a couple we booked rooms together however as a solo traveller (which most people on our group were) you had the option of sharing with another member of the group or paying an extra fee to have your own private room.
  • Now bus life its not as glamorous or luxurious as it seems. Be prepared when joining a tour that drive days are going to be longer than expected always. Theres always an extra toilet stop or traffic jam, just make sure that you bring some entertainment and sit back and embrace the ride.
  • Tipping: Like on many tours it is common courtesy to tip the tour guide at the end of your tour. Most people work it out over the amount of days that you have been on the tour. We also tipped our surf guides and the ladies that cooked for us at Dar Surf House.


Day 1


See our guide to 48 hours in Marrakech

To begin our tour we met with our guide, Yahya, and the rest of our group at our Hotel in Marrakech. We quickly found out that half the group had been on a GA Adventure tour for the past two weeks through the North of Morocco. The other half were like us, just joining for the coastal tour. It was lovely having a small group tour as there was only 14 people on and we could actually spend the next 5 days getting to know everyone.

After a quick debrief we headed out to dinner and most importantly to get our first Tajines for the trip. It was a very relaxed dinner and a great way to meet everyone who was already on the tour and those like us joining the group.

Where you stay?

Hotel Residence Amalou


Day 2

Marrakech – Taroudant – Taghazout

We started the morning nice and earlier after a much needed nights sleep. Breakfast is included every morning while on tour, however it is usually a standard Moroccan breakfast of pastries with coffee. Each morning your guide gives you a meeting time to be ready to depart the following morning. As this tour is a small group tour we pilled into our Mercedes Sprinter Van together with our driver for the trip which was a real comfy (and cool) way to get around.

The first part of our drive was 3 and a half hours to get to Taroudant. It really puts into perspective how big Morocco really is!

We stopped for lunch at a beautiful restaurant called Jnane Ines which we paid for (however none of the place in which I guide took us to eat were very expensive at all).

Our stop at Taroudant was very short lived. Taroudant seems like a great place to do some shopping. It was much less crowded here and the stalls started their prices much lower than in Marrakech, however due to the timing of arriving here it was the middle of the day when most shop owners closed up to go for their daily sleep.

The final leg of our travel for the day got us to Taghazout. After a long day on the bus we arrived at our accommodation and before we could even check out Dar Surf (our accommodation) we all headed straight for the beach. Taghazout is a small fishing village located on the Atlantic coast, a much smaller and more quaint vibe to that of neighbouring Agadir.

We spent time with our amazing group here drinking on the roof top watching the sunset. That night the beautiful ladies at Dar Surf made us an amazing dinner which we enjoyed before an early night to bed.

Included Meals: Breakfast & Dinner

Where you stay?

Dar Surf Hostel


Day 3


This was a jam packed day! Although at the same time with was one of the most chilled and relaxing days.

We gave ourselves enough time this morning to not only be able to enjoy breakfast in the hostel but to also be able to take ourselves for a morning walk along the water for and grab a coffee.

Then we headed down to the water in our bus to begin our day of surfing.

The surf instructors that joined us for the day were absolutely amazing! They all paid great attention to everyone in the group no matter what level of experience they had. Everyone from the tour came out for the surf in the morning however then only a small handful join the afternoon surf where we had almost one on one time with the instructors.

After a full on day in the surf we then joined a yoga class on the hostels rooftop. Unfortunately we didn’t vibe with the yoga teacher however I am very particular and take a while to connect with teachers.

For dinner we had another amazing feast at the hostel before heading out for a beautiful bonfire at the local beach.

Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Where you stay?

Dar Surf Hostel



Day 4

Taghazout – Essaouira

This morning was an early start however it was so worth it to be able to have the whole day in Essaouira. Essaouria the
“Windy City of Africa” is a beautiful town known for its galleries and boutique stalls. However due to the wind it is hard to enjoy relaxing on the sand although would be the perfect place to try windsurfing.

Our guide gave us a short tour of the city and pointed out some places he thought would be worth visiting for lunch or for drinks. We then had the whole day to explore for ourselves.

This was a much needed slow day as some travellers had been on the road for the last three weeks.

The group met for drinks and sunset later on the beach however due to the intense wind we weren’t able to enjoy the sunset as much as we had hoped.

Want to spend more time in Essaouira, read our Complete Guide to Essaouira here

Included Meals: Breakfast

Where you stay?

Hotel Cap Sim


Day 5

Essouira – Marrakech

This was our last morning in the bus. It was a relatively short journey back to Marrakesh where we dropped some passengers back at the hotel to continue their onward journey as well as the bus driver kindly took the rest of the group back into Jemaa El- Fnaa. Here we were able to quickly have our last Moroccan Meal before heading off to the airport. The group leader also organised transfers for everyone separately to the airport which we were very grateful for!

However if you need to organise your own tours you can organise them here through Viator.

We were glad to return to the comfort of our own beds however we would miss the heat and hospitality of Morocco.

Included Meals: Breakfast

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Where you stay?

This is the end of your tour so you are now on your own for accomodation however we recommend a few different hotels in Our Travel Guide of Marrakech. Most of the tour chose to stay another few nights to wind down in Marrakech after which we would definitely recommend.


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  1. As Moroccan, I absolutely love this coastal tour itinerary! Morocco’s towns have a unique charm that captivates the soul. The coastal beauty, vibrant culture, and delicious cuisine make for an incredible journey. Your detailed insights truly capture the essence of our diverse and enchanting country. It’s heartening to see travelers exploring beyond the usual spots. Shukran (Thank you) for showcasing the coastal treasures of Morocco!

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